Monday, June 15, 2015

Almost done and still going strong

With 34 weeks down and 6 to go, I continue to push myself in the gym. I will be honest, it is getting harder since my belly is getting bigger but that does not make it impossible! I have days where I have bursts of energy, but most days I have been sluggish. As much as I would like to think I am invincible from the pregnancy exhaustion symptoms, I am not :( I will tell you, my Fire Flames, that if I had not stayed as active as I have been, I would have been miserable weeks, maybe even months ago!

I work out everything, but my favorite day is leg day and always has been. I know that all of these squats and lunges will pay off when it is time to give birth to Baby Boy #2! Yesterday's leg workout consisted of the following:

  • Stretching - of course!
  • Squats
  • Walking lunges
  • Dead lifts
  • Leg Extensions
  • Leg curls
  • Calf raises
Be sure to ALWAYS stay hydrated and drink plenty of water during your workouts (you should be drinking AT LEAST 8 glasses a day anyways!)

 I am beyond blessed and lucky to have had such an amazing and healthy pregnancy thus far. I hope I have motivated you all, and if it just one person, I am happy! Don't forget to email me your progress stories and pictures; I love to hear how well you all are doing too!! Have a healthy week Fire Flames.


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