Monday, April 21, 2014

My motivation. My goals.

Qimmah Russo is my inspiration. I do not compare myself to others BUT I aim to have the muscle tone she does. I admire Qimmah not only because of her body but because she is disciplined - I need to be more disciplined when it comes to dieting well living a healthier lifestyle. I want to start a challenge who will join me? I want to challenge myself to eat better so I can see better results! I will strive to stop eating certain foods, I've noticed my body resounds poorly to foods like bread, pasta, rice, etc...I need to eat more green and leafy veggies and no more Starbucks 😪😩 but it will be worth it if I can look anywhere close to Qimmah! 

Oh yea check out her Instagram: kee_ma_la_shmexy
And mine of course: MyFireFitness 

I follow many fitness folks so you can pull up my followers and access more fitness inspirations! I love lifting weights but my eating habits have ALWAYS been my weakness. If I am going to be a personal trainer I must be willing to change my lifestyle - not just for my clients, but for myself. 
Respect your body because it's the only one you have belts inspire and support each other! I will write up challenge and contest rules and will post them later this week!

As always, I love you fire flames 


Monday, April 14, 2014


HELLO, remember me? Gosh it seems like forever since I've been on here! First off I would like to invite you to follow me on Instagram! Alright I'm gunna jump right in it. So I have gotten married since my last blog post and I have gotten a membership at LA Fitness so I can work out with my husband. We have started the " Get Sexy Naked" workout and we push each other to be strong. We have been at it about a month and so far so good EXCEPT my work schedule is mayhem so I can't work out on a consistent schedule :-(

I made a new friend and she is training for her first show and she happens to be a personal trainer who has convinced me I need to be certified! So yes I am studying for my personal training certification!!!

I have written out my fitness goals so I have something to look forward to. Along with my plans are ways I'll get new clients (once I pass my test of course) and you guys will love them. Give me about 2 months and I promise, not only you, but I promise myself, that I will rock the barbell!

Now to receive goodies and freebies, you'll have to be subscribed to my blog so subscribe now! I also want to support you so if you have a blog or a YouTube that you want me to check out PLEASE let me know!!

Fire Flames! I love you all, old followers and new - email me before pics so we can follow each other's fitness journey from here on out! Don't forget catch me on Instagram : MyFireFitness or email me questions, comments, and suggestions at
